Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Cornbread Gravy

 Poor people always knew how to make do with what they had.. This is an old recipe from the dirty south....


1/2 lb of bacon 

leftover cornbread

1/2 cup of all purpose flour 

About 2 cups of water 

1/2 can evaporated milk 

Salt and pepper to taste


Get out a good cast iron skillet and fry up the bacon until it is nice and crispy. 

Remove it from the pan, but leave the grease in. 

Crumble your leftover cornbread into the pan.

 Add the flour and cook it stirring frequently until the flour just starts to brown (like with any flour based gravy). 

Add the water and milk and stir until it starts to thicken. 

Season with salt and pepper. 

Crumble up the cooked bacon and add it to your gravy. 

Add a little more water as needed if the gravy starts to get too thick.

There, quick and easy...


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