Friday, April 8, 2011

Liver and Onions

The first thing my wife ever cooked for me ,way back when ,when we first met was Liver and Onions and Mashed Potatoes...It was to die for.  I haven't had any really good Liver and Onions since then.  Oh I had it once or twice when I was in the Air Force...but it didn't hold a candle to my wife's.

The thing is..people frown on eating organ meat now of days..but I don't think a little liver and onions every once in awhile will hurt anyone too much...Here is a nice easy recipe.


1¼ lb calves liver (be sure to use calves or veal liver, not mature beef liver), thinly sliced

½ to 1 cup of flour, seasoned with
Salt, pepper, paprika, dry mustard to taste

3 teaspoons bacon fat

2 yellow onions, sliced thin.


1 Dredge the calves liver in seasoned flour. Set aside.

2 Heat a large cast iron skillet on medium high heat. Add a teaspoon of bacon fat. Sauté the onions until translucent, a couple of minutes. Remove onions from pan with a slotted spoon. Set aside onto a serving dish.

3. Add a couple more teaspoons of bacon fat to the skillet. Add the calves liver slices, working in batches. Fry until browned on both sides.

4.Serve with sautéed onions (and ketchup!).

Serves four.   Enjoy!


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