Monday, April 18, 2011

Asian Broccoli Slaw Salad

From time to time...The support staff at my office has a pot luck lunch in which everybody brings a dish that they prepared themselves.  Last week one of our newest employees (She's only been with us a week) brought this delicious dish that was the big hit of the pot luck...Thank You Karen for allowing me to share this with my readers.


1 bag of Broccoli Slaw

1 half cup of slivered almonds

1 fourth cup of diced scallions

1 third cup of white wine vinegar

1 cup of oil

1 third cup o sugar

2 packages of ramen noodles (Oriental flavor)


Whisk together vinegar,oil ,sugar, and ramen noodle flavor packets together, set aside.


Put broccoli slaw, almonds and diced scallions in a bowl, toss with dressing and chill for one hour. (Or you can put the dressing on right before serving.)

Break apart ramen noodles into little pieces..

Toss in salad right before serving, otherwise noodles get soggy.


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