Monday, July 7, 2014

Beer Steak

Hey babies....I'm back and with a great new recipe for the summer...Beer Steaks....Yeah that's right..Beer Steaks...If you start with some great cuts  of rib eye steaks  you 're half-way there. 

The rest of this process is relatively easy. For starters just sprinkle the steaks with salt and lemon pepper, pressing the mixture gently into the meat. Pour on your favorite beer and let sit in the refrigerator for an hour or two before grilling.

 4 (1/2 pound)rib-eye steaks, or steak of choice

 2 tablespoons sea salt

 2 tablespoons lemon pepper

 2 (12 fluid ounce) cans or bottles beer of your choice (For me, that would be Corona)

  1. Place the steaks in a large, shallow container with a lid. Season each side of the steaks with the salt and lemon pepper. Gently pour the beer over the steaks (making sure the seasoning doesn't wash off). Cover, and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.
  2. Preheat grill for high heat.
  3. Lightly oil grill grate. Place steaks on grill, and discard beer marinade. Cook for 5 minutes per side, or to desired doneness.

 Enjoy!  Eat well my friends!


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