Saturday, July 27, 2013

Avocado and Ham Sandwich

Before you Laugh.....No...I did not make this up...This is an actual sandwich....The writers of tha magazine country living are asking you to Let the mild, nutty flavor of avocados stand in for Swiss cheese in a classic ham sandwich.

I'm just asking you to humor me and them! 


  • 2 loaf(s) (about 18 inches each) ficelle
  • 1/4 cup(s) butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoon(s) Dijon mustard
  • 1/8 teaspoon(s) coarse black pepper
  • 3/4 pound(s) Virginia ham, sliced
  • 3 large avocados, peeled and sliced

  1. Cut each ficelle loaf into 3 equal pieces, and split each horizontally along one side, leaving the other side intact. Open the pieces so they lie flat.
  2. Stir the butter, mustard, and pepper together until smooth, and spread on both sides of the bread. Layer with the ham and avocado, and sprinkle with the sea salt.
  3. Wrap the sandwiches with parchment, and tie with a string to secure. Keep chilled and serve within 3 hours.
Don't Sweat the Tips & Techniques
Ficelle is a thin, chewy baguette loaf. Substitute one standard baguette for 2 ficelles: Just cut the heels off the ends and make each sandwich a little bit shorter.

Enjoy with Chips and a cold beer-

Eat and Drink well my friends!

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