Friday, February 3, 2012

Brandon Albert's Hot Wings...

It's Friday...Two days before the superbowl and what are most of us guys going to be eating?   That's a no brainer....Hot wings... Here is a recipe from someone who probably aspires to be in the Super Bowl, but just like me and my Eagles...He'll be somewhere with some friends watching it.  Brandon Albert, Tackle for the Kansas City Chiefs contributed this recipe. 

I thought I would share it...It's very simple..


3 pounds chicken wings of course

2 tablespoons butter

1 (12-ounce) jar hot sauce or hot pepper sauce

Blue cheese dressing for dipping


1. Put wings, butter, and hot sauce in a slow cooker set on medium and cook 3 hours.

2. When finished cooking, set slow cooker to warm and serve (out of the pot) with blue cheese dressing for dipping.

Of course for you real sports fans out there, mail or female...I don't have to tell you that you have Hot wings with Beer...Chicken and Brew...Perfect sports watching mix...Maybe a few chips too. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I've got my menu for the game. Hot wings, pizza, and beer! I like to fry my wings. I soak them in hotsauce for a couple hours before flouring and deep frying. I'm putting the Heinekin on ice Saturday night!! Have a great game! Go Giants!! (to ....)LOL!


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