Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Cuban

A friend of mine has recently made me aware of an incredible sandwich.....I'm amazed that I had never heard of it prior to now...It's called the Grilled Cuban and it is delicious...So delicious that I had to share it with you fine people who read this blog...


1 1/2 loaves Cuban bread

yellow mustard


1/4 lb baked ham, sliced thinly

1/2 lb roast pork, sliced thinly

1/4 lb swiss cheese, sliced thinly

1/4 lb italian salami, slice thinly

dill pickle slices


This being a sandwich, it can't be that difficult to make!

Cut Cuban bread into 6 8-inch pieces.

Split bread lengthwise.

Spread mustard on six halves of the bread.

Spread mayonnaise on the other six halves of the bread.

Layer ham, pork, Swiss cheese, and salami on the mustard halves of the bread.

Layer pickles on top of salami; top with mayo halves of bread.

Can be eaten cold, but tastes better "hot pressed".

To press: Heat a counter top grill (like a George Foreman grill) and place sandwich between the plates.

Press down hard on the sandwich, squeezing the halves together tightly.

Grill until the bread is toasted to a light brown on the outside and the cheese is melted.

Alternate method: Heat a heavy pan on top of the stove on medium heat.

Place sandwich in pan and press down with another heavy object (a brick wrapped in foil is good).

Toast sandwich until light brown on one side, then turn over.

Replace brick on toasted side.

Serve with potato chips and a cold soda.


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