Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bourbon Street New York Strip Steak

I can't tell you how many different ways there are to fix a truly great New York Strip Steak...If you are ever in New York City...There are several Pubs and Steak Houses that can fix you a strip steak....But would you beileve that this particular recipe comes from Bourbon Street....in Memphis?


The ingredients as you would guess is not much ,it's simply

2 or however, depending on your guest list size.(6 ounce) boneless New York strip steaks

3 cups bourbon whiskey (I kid you not!)

1 cup dark brown sugar


1.Gently tenderize steaks with a meat mallet. With a sharp knife, lightly score the meat on one side diagonally. Place steaks in a casserole dish, scored side up, and pour bourbon over them. Rub the brown sugar evenly over each steak. Marinate in refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours.

2.Preheat grill to high heat, and lightly oil grate.

3.Place the steaks on the hot grill, with the sugar side down. Let cook until sugar has caramelized, 3 to 5 minutes, then flip steaks, and finish cooking to desired doneness.

Serve with a Baked Potato....(Butter or cream cheese...your choice)



  1. Sounds Like a plan!

  2. Now That's what I'm talkin about!

  3. Looks good Keith!

  4. Damn fam...that looks good!

  5. I absolutely love this the best of all of your blogs!

  6. You're just forcing me to go off my diet!-LOL!


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