Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cornmeal Pancakes!

Since I'm in a Breakfasty kind of mood...(I know that Breakfasty isn't a real word!) but anyway ,it's Sunday and I'm thinking about going out with my wife to have breakfast..I'm thinking of something different and yet traditional. Nothing is more traditional on a Sunday Morning than Pancakes...but these aren't any old Aunt Jemima Pancakes..These are Cornmeal Pancakes...Commonly known as "Hoe Cakes!" Check it out-


•1 cup yellow cornmeal
•2 tbp sugar
•1/2 tsp salt
•2 cups boiling water
•1 and 1/3 cups of milk (or buttermilk)
•2 eggs
•1 tbp pure vanilla extract
•2 cups of flour
•2 tsp baking powder
•2 tbp oil.

In a medium bowl mix cornmeal, sugar and salt; add water and let it sit for 10 minutes. When the cornmeal has absorbed the water and thickened, mix the milk in and let it sit for another 5 minutes.

Next are the eggs and vanilla extract which should be thoroughly mixed with the cornmeal. In a separate bowl, measure and mix the flour and baking powder and then combine it with the cornmeal mixture. Preheat a skillet and spread a little bit of oil on it before every pancake is cooked.

This yields four servings...After trying this recipe...You might not want to buy Aunt Jemimas or go to IHOP for awhile...(Perish the thought) That's how good they are!



  1. MMMM,I'm loving your blog "Good Foodie" I checked out "Escapades"
    and "Keith's Space" -Two decidedly different but great blogs also...Wow, you are something else..Much Luck to you!

  2. All this Breakfast food is going to make me betray my diet! lol!
    Have a great Sunday Keith!


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