Monday, September 13, 2010

Chocolate Milkshake Day

Yesterday Was Chocolate Milkshake Day.....I was busy watching Football and writing on my other blog, "Escapades"...but I didn't forget you guys... Even though I'm late...Here is an easy little recipe for a great Chocolate Milkshake.


3 scoops chocolate ice cream
Chocolate syrup
1/2 cup of milk
A pinch of Almond Extract
A pinch of nutmeg


In blender combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into glass and serve.

Now Wasn't that easy? Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the information........

  2. Oh I love chocolate shakes!! Here's what I add. Instead of regular chocolate syrup, like Hershey's in the can, I buy the fudge topping for ice cream. And I use leftover brewed coffee to thin the chocolate ice cream in the blender instead of milk. I use my homemade vanilla. I made a new batch last month. It will be ready by December!

    P.S. I'm giving you guys some as a Christmas present.

    P.P.S. We went to Distrito's this weekend. When you do a resturant review I'll have something to share. Jose Garces is an Iron Chef and the food was delicious. But....


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