Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome 2 Good Foodie

Hello, Can you believe this? This is my new blog... "Good Foodie!" One thing my wife and I like to do is eat out at nice (and sometimes, not so nice restaurants). This will be the blog that is dedicated to giving my reviews of some of the places that we choose to eat. From time to time, it will have recipes of interesting foods that we have chosen to eat.

This is indeed something new. My third blog! Isn't that a hoot? My last blog too... I absolutely will not be creating another one. This blog will not be published on the daily basis like my other two, "Keith's Space" and "Escapades", but I hope you will come to like this blog and enjoy it too.

Welcome, again, to "Good Foodie!"


  1. Pop-Pop,

    Grammy told me about your new blog, so I had to stop by and say "Hello!"

  2. Thank You dear! And thank you Boogs!

  3. Will you be posting recipes like the one used in Escapades earlier this week?

  4. @lol-SLC- I certainly will... That story is what gave me the idea to create this Blog.

  5. Congrats on your new endeavor..(Do you ever sleep?-lol) That plate looks delish!


Comments are always welcome here at Good Foodie but, I ask that you be respectful of others and choose your words carefully. Thank you!